Heritage Farm Alpacas & Events, LLC
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Tim & Beth Sheets
Heritage Farm Suri Alpacas
4175 N. 1200 W
46929 IN United States

Alpacas Getting Started Guide
Heritage Farm Suri Alpacas is happy to offer our new "Getting Started" guide. This downloadable 50-page guide will answer many questions you have about raising alpacas for fun and profit. Some of the topics covered include:
Defining your herd objectives
Basics of Alpaca Fiber Structure
Measuring Fiber Qualities
Planning Farm Infrastructure
Capital Equipment Considerations
Understanding Alpaca Health and Nutrition
Introduction to Genetics
Preparing for Breeding and Birthing
Checklist for an Action Plan
Starting an alpaca farm is a big decision. We want you to be well equipped to fully understand what the alpaca business is all about before you buy your first alpaca. Combined with talking to alpaca owners, going to educational seminars and getting your hands on several alpacas, this guide will help determine if alpaca ownership is right for you and provide you with some basics for getting started.
To give you an idea of what is included in our "ALPACAS - a Getting Started Guide", below is the Table of Contents.
Breeders’ Market vs. Fiber Market
Why Alpacas and What to Do With Them?
Owning Alpacas as Pets
Owning Alpacas for Fiber Production
Managing a Small Scale Alpaca Operation
Becoming an Alpaca Industry Leader
Focusing on Genetic Improvement through a Herdsire Operation
Putting it all Together
Define Your Strategy
What are they?
Herd Objectives
Fiber Structure
Differences between Suri and Huacaya Fiber
Follicle and Fiber Types
The Correlation between Density and Fineness
Fiber Criteria
The Histogram
Staple Length
Micron Count
Standard Deviation
Co-efficient of Variation
Comfort Factor
Breeding Goals
Farm Infrastructure
Guard Animals
Video Monitoring
Office/Lab equipment
Show and Event accessories
Health and Nutrition
Veterinary and Health Care Supplies
General health
Teeth and toenails
Mendelian Genetics?
Line breeding or inbreeding?
Selecting Your Foundation Herd
Breeding Methodologies
Breeding and Birthing
Breeding Methods
Confirmation of pregnancy
The bottom-line
The next step
What Heritage Farm has to Offer
Action Plan
Suggested Bibliography
Starting an alpaca farm is a big decision. We want you to be well equipped to fully understand what the alpaca business is all about before you buy your first alpaca. Combined with talking to alpaca owners, going to educational seminars and getting your hands on several alpacas, this guide will help determine if alpaca ownership is right for you and provide you with some basics for getting started.
To give you an idea of what is included in our "ALPACAS - a Getting Started Guide", below is the Table of Contents.
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